Табулатура в формате Guitar Pro , содержащая следующие дорожки:
Acoustic Grand Piano
Lead Gtr
Electric Guitar (jazz]
Acoustic Guitar (nylon]
Acoustic Bass
Ba by I'm through run ing it's true I'd be a fool to try to es cape you, may be I'm beat But oh, that sweet sur ren der. ren der. I'm giv in' up my self to you but I did n't real ly lose at all. I gained the on ly love I've known and it nev er hurt me to fall. Now that it's done, so glad you won, I know our lives have on ly be gun now, no more re treat, on ly my sweet sur ren der. Sur ren der. And you sweet thing in my life my sur ren der to you. You keep your rights, I'll take your nights. No one can lose when we turn the lights out. Tast ing de feat, lov in' that sweet sur ren der.